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Women are the main pillar of society, they live as role models, guide current discussions, influence local traditions and politics.
The Toni Garrn Foundation was founded in 2016 to support education initiatives for girls in Africa. Today our partners are education and health facilities in rural communities in Ghana, Uganda, and Burundi. Our shared vision is to provide the girls with a safe space to learn and grow, as equals, to make their own educated decisions in life. Since its inception, the Foundation, and its partners support over 500 girls each year and contributed to the creation of multiple school buildings, girls’ boarding houses, maternity blocks, washing facilities and school farm facilities to build an education and health ecosystem for girls and young women in the communities.
Our annual Super Flea Market – a pre-loved shopping event with a good cause – also showcased traditional garments and fabrics from Sub-Saharan-Africa and sold crafts created by the talented young women from our partners in Uganda, delivered to the SFM in Berlin. The SFM emphasized the value of textiles and the conscious consumption of it. Proceeds from the Super Flea Market go to the local communities and projects.
Given a chance, women can change the world.